Friday, July 10, 2009

Swinging For The Stars

Exit (Call Me) - k-os

Sometimes I just don't understand things.

There are so many things I want to do. So many things I can't wait to experience; see, taste, hold, hear- so many things I can't wait to be.

I want to reach my dreams, reach the top of that mountain that has seemed so far ever since I can remember. But every thing I see, everything I hear is saying "give up, that's not reality, you'll never make it.

But there is something I hope for even more than my own dreams. Something so strange and out there that I can't tell even my friends who believe in me because I know they just won't understand; they won't understand that my most secret desire is that somehow, someway we can all find a way to achieve whatever calls to us from the inside, whatever makes us feel happy and energized and alive.

Why? Why do people hate on me for believing that everyone deserves the right to shape their own destiny without others stomping on it? Why do people think I'm crazy just for thinking that a world where you aren't ever truly free to do what rings true to you is a world that I don't want to live in, a world that is worth fighting to change? How can you be so jaded as to believe that life is the way it is and even though it's fucked up nothing you can ever do will change anything? Are you really that convinced of your own powerlessness?

I can't accept that. I'll never accept that. I'ma shoot for the moon, swing for stars and know that one day I will shine for the whole world to see. I know you know which kind of life sounds way more appealing.

So will you stay where you are, never satisfied and forever longing for something more? Or will join me on this quest to find something beyond what we have ever dreamed?

The choice is yours.

-Rage, July 11 2009 C.E.

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