Monday, April 13, 2009

Status Report: 5 Articles About Major Events

There's been a lot of crazy stuff on the news lately some of it's the same old, but some stuff, such as North Korea launching test missiles or the string of mass homicides takes it to another level. So here's 5 articles that I feel show the insanity of what's happening right now. These articles are all from either Newsweek, MSNBC, or the Washington Post.

Economy Linked to Spate of Mass Killings

Now this is straight up unreal. In the past month there has been 57 U.S. deaths due to mass homicides; 13 of these deaths (3 separate mass homicides) happened within a 48 hour time-frame. These homicides have taken place from citizenship centers to nursing homes to even a church retreat. The only reason anyone can even guess why this is happening is the economy, as many of the killers had either been laid-off or evicted. Scary.

Japan Is Outraged Over North Korea Missile

Here we go. N.K. gearing up for nuclear capabilities, with Russia and China backing them as allies. N.K. wants to be a nuclear power, and of course the U.S., Japan, and any of our other allies aint trying to hear that. N.K. tested their missile systems by launching one over Tokyo. Even though the missile did no damage, with the situation what it is there's always a possibility that this could provoke war should things spiral out of control. Damn.

Cyber Spies Penetrate U.S. Electrical Grid

Homeland Security has discovered that spies from Russia, China, and other countries have penetrated the U.S. electrical system and it's controls. The article states that the spies left behind programs that could be used to shut-down our systems should we go to war. However, the article says very little about what is being done to fix this situation. Fuck.

Mexico's Drug Violence Spills Over the Border

The cartels in Mexico have pretty much taken over the country. Americans are advised not go to Mexico because of the many tourists that were abducted or disappeared last month. Now apparently, what many feared would happen is: the violence is starting to spill over in the U. S. of A. Mexican drug cartels control about 90% of the cocaine trade in the US. Make sure to check out the Border War photos on this one.

Deadly gunbattle erupts as Thai protests spread

There's been alot of riots lately. Greece, Germany, Moldova, hell, even in the U.K. The latest one that's broken out is in Thailand. Protesters swarmed a summit of 16 leaders of Asian nations, causing the summit to be canceled and a State of Emergency to be issued. Now the violence has escalated, with automatic gunfire and tear gas being used to disable protesters. There's been a whole bunch of running battles with rioters throwing molotov cocktails at soldiers, which has caused thing to spiral out of control.

I think it's only a matter of time before a riot breaks out over here; with the economy being what it is and people losing their homes all over the place. The police and the government know this, that's why there's been such an increase in police forces. Anyway...

This is only a few articles, but there are many more crazy events across the world (the earthquake in Italy and the Somalian pirates for example). Things are bad, and we all know they're going to get much worse before they get better. But maybe things need to get worse, so that people can see that massive change is needed, that the old paradigm cannot continue if we want this turmoil to end.

And there's never been a better time in history for change.

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