Sunday, April 19, 2009

Personal Log: Is Anyone Out There?

I'm staring at my computer screen, but I don't really see it.
It's 3:26 AM. A lab packet lay discarded on my bed, i'm not sure
when I stopped working on it.
I should be sleeping. I should be doing homework. I'm not.
It's like I'm in a thoughts are muddy. Murky.
In my hand is a bottle of pills, nuclear orange and covered in warnings.

Murderer, robber, psychomatic schizophrenic

And here I am, in my room, eyes glazed, with amphetamines running through my
What was I just doing? I can't seem to remember, and I can't seem to care either.
I push play. I've been listening to the same 4 songs for the past 5 hours. I can't stop.

Murderer, murderer, murderer, murderer,
Murderer, robber, ps
ychomatic schizophrenic

I'm hypnotized, because all day I hear about mass homicides and school shootings,
rape and wars and gun show loopholes. Riots, cancer, suicide...
And pills; everywhere more and more pills.
I need to get out of here. My sanity is long gone, but my mind is starting to

Murderer, murdererThis is pointless murderer, murderer
Murderer, murdererI need to sleep murderer, murderer
Murderer, murdererWhat the fuck is wrong with me? murderer, murderer

God, tell me, I need to know

Murderer, robber ps
ychomatic schizophrenic

Is an
ybody out there?

Buck-buck-buckin 'em down blow a niggas head off
-Rage, April 19 2009 C.E. (lyrics - Murderers & Robbers - Project Pat)

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