Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Writings: Vietnow

With the sounds of rage through the speakers I exhale the smoke,
and watch as it forms a vision of the world we live in.

It's a Vietnow kind of mind-state. What real here?
Terror and fear is the code that we live by
The God that we pra
y to.

A shadow covers the world like an eclipse.
I take m
y medication like the rest,
stuck in something we don't understand.
Knowing that there are men who hold absolute power,
and that the Earth itself is changing before our e
and it's be
yond scary so we drown ourselves in TV
and ever
y other form of escapism.

But here, in the smoke,
to the sound of the drums and the bass is where I'll alwa
ys see it.
And no amount of medication, of Ritalin and anti-depressant,
can distract me from I feel in m
y heart.

I don't want to be afraid an
ymore. Afraid of terrorists,
afraid of hell, afraid of judgment,
Afraid of each other...

Afraid of live for myself instead of living the "right" way.
And I know that if I keep walking down this road
I will die empty and unfulfilled.

This is the promise of the s

But I refust all that now, and I will rage against this machine.

I will make this legend.

-Rage, Februar
y 6 2009 CE

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