Thursday, February 19, 2009


8:51 PM E.S.T., February 8th 2009 C.E.

I walked down into the kitchen only to freeze. A siren was going off, high and long and nothing like I had ever heard before.

Well, I actually heard Klaxons going off when I picked up my sister from school. At first I thought I was going crazy, but then my sister heard it too. We both just stood there until it stopped, then looked at each other with a distinct What The Fuck? expression.

This time the siren was different but just as eerie. Sirens are nothing new around here. you here them all day and all night - Ambulances, firetrucks, police - you name it. It's to the point where if I don't hear one or see flashing emergency lights flying down the streets it feels like something is out of place. I hear them in class and in my room when I'm trying, usually unsuccessfully, to sleep. Sometimes even when they're not there I hear the phantom ringing in my ears. I've asked other people and they say it happens to them too.

It's really just that bad.

But therer was something different about this one. The pitch, the length, it was all wrong, and I had no idea what it could be for. The only thing I could tell was that it was in the distance, but it was so loud that it reverberated off the houses on my block and probably around a good size of the town.

Strange things are going on, it's not lie anyone needs more proff the what is already there. But lately things have been wierder than usual, and I get the feeling that things will only get stranger.

- Rage

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