Sunday, August 17, 2008

Status Report: Booby Traps

The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned. - Antonio Gramsci

Great. Except...

Living in an age of advertisement, we are perpetually disillusioned. The perfect life is spread before us everyday, but it changes and withers at a touch. - Joseph Priestly

What's real? You can't even tell these days. Special effects look realer than real life while the government repeats the same lies over and over again in attempt to make you believe it.

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. Those are the words to live by in the new millennium. Coming up in this age pretty much engraved those words in my mind. It's not hard to see the illusions around us if you stop and look. I think on some level we all know it, even if some choose to pretend that things are exactly as they're told.

It's hard not to become disillusioned these days. To many of us born and raised in these times, we can't remember a time when we weren't disillusioned. I can tell you that personally, I was a goddamn cynical little bastard. But there's mucho danger in disillusionment.

Disillusionment leads to hopelessness, and hopelessness leads to helplessness. You give up. After all, what's the point in trying? You can't change anything anyway.

Except after much reconnaissance and analysis I realized something.

That shit is a trap.

If you think like that you lose your power. Belief and intention are powerful. Everything from the Taoist I Ching to quantum physics points towards it. If you can dream it you can do it, we've been shown that over and over.

It's good to be disillusioned a bit, there's no place for naivety anymore. But don't let it trap you.

Think about it.

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