Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Choose Your Destiny

These times are strange.

It's like there's a war going on outside nobody's safe from. Invisible and intangible but we all know we're ducking bullets. They could come from anywhere, at anytime, and be everything from a kid shooting up science class, to losing your home, to catching your garden variety cancer.

But, thankfully, we have been told by people more informed then us that you have a much better chance of making it through if you stay between the lines. The lines that lead right to the cheese, the pension, the degree in whatever your parents believe will get you ahead in the rat race. Truthfully I'm not any different from most people except for one thing.

They're looking at the cheese. I'm looking at the mouse trap.

I see where these lines lead, to spending all your money on houses, cars, and education until you're trapped in the cage of taxes, bills, and credit card debt. If you even make it there anyway.
But you know, it's times like these, when the country is in a depression and politics as we know it is changing, that history is made. And there's never been a time in history as crazy as now.

So when faced with the choice of getting a degree and acceptable job, having a wife and two kids and making my family oh-so-happy, or crossing these lines, navigating the danger, leaving my mark on this rock and most importantly, being true to myself I could only say one thing...

Fuck it.

-Rage, March 9 2009 C.E.

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