Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Status Report: It's In The Open

The fire's are burning. People are talking about riots, militias, and a 2nd American Revolution. Here's what a few youtube rebels and revolutionaries are saying.

The American Resistance Movement

The Ohio Militia


Whether or not you agree with these people or think they are what is being called "home-grown terrorists", the fact remains that there is enough moral and civil unrest that people are starting to take matters into their own hands.

What will you do?

-Rage, April 1 2009 C.E.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WAR WITH NORTH KOREA? North Korea demands U.S. stop humanitarian aid supplies

North Korea demands U.S. stop humanitarian aid supplies

RIA Novosti

17/03/2009 22:08 WASHINGTON, March 17 (RIA Novosti) - A U.S. State Department spokesman said Tuesday that the United States would stop humanitarian aid supplies to North Korea after the communist state requested Washington discontinue the program.

Robert Wood said the U.S. had received an official request from North Korea several days ago. The notification contained no reasons for the rejection of the aid.

"Clearly, this is food assistance that the North Korean people need. That's why we're concerned," he said.

He added that the State Department would continue to cooperate with NGOs working in North Korea to make sure that earlier delivered humanitarian aid had reached those in need of it.

Wood also said that in 2008 and 2009, the U.S. had supplied 169,000 metric tons of humanitarian aid to North Korea, with the last batch of 5,000 tons dispatched in late January.

The North Korean decision comes amid rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang has called U.S.-South Korean military exercises preparation for war, and has also said that any attempt to shoot down what it calls a telecommunications satellite next month will also lead to armed conflict.

Seoul and Washington say the real purpose of the launch is to test a long-range Taepodong-2 missile, which is thought to have a range of 6,700 kilometers (4,100 miles) and could possibly reach Alaska.

Original source is globalsecurity.org. Check it yourself but they're a pretty reliable source.

War with NK? If the satellite is really a missile guidance system then should we shoot it down? (Those people are crazy.) If we go to war NK there might really be a draft, and what if they fire one of those missiles off, what then? Nuclear warfare?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Apocalypse in the Badlands #0

The world is going crazy. The news is one thing, there's always crazy stuff on there, but I'm starting to see shit go down in my own back yard.

The weather in Jersey is crazy always, but this season it's been on the some other shit. Construction is at an all time high. It's everywhere- zones being coned off all over the place, and lets not even talk about the police. They're everywhere, they sit and watch every intersection, and come out of backstreets and corners like roaches or something. Every move you make around here is observed. The cops have an abundance of new vehicles; all the cop cars have been upgraded to be Dodge Chargers or Derangos, but they still have all the old cars too. And now they're starting have alteast half of the of the cars be undercover. I've seen a whole bunch of teal and brown colored Chargers, and I've even seen some 2008 Honda Civics with absolutely no markings turn on cop lights and pull people over. To Serve and Protect? Yea right, it's To Search and Detect. They have plenty of ghost cars too, cars that sit by highway underpasses with no one in them just to scare you.

It's crazy man...

So right now i'm staying under the radar, creeping like a ninja in the night and shit. Through the smoke I observe how the powers move, then plan according. The world's gone crazy, but I was made for this.

-Rage, March 12 2009 C.E.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Choose Your Destiny

These times are strange.

It's like there's a war going on outside nobody's safe from. Invisible and intangible but we all know we're ducking bullets. They could come from anywhere, at anytime, and be everything from a kid shooting up science class, to losing your home, to catching your garden variety cancer.

But, thankfully, we have been told by people more informed then us that you have a much better chance of making it through if you stay between the lines. The lines that lead right to the cheese, the pension, the degree in whatever your parents believe will get you ahead in the rat race. Truthfully I'm not any different from most people except for one thing.

They're looking at the cheese. I'm looking at the mouse trap.

I see where these lines lead, to spending all your money on houses, cars, and education until you're trapped in the cage of taxes, bills, and credit card debt. If you even make it there anyway.
But you know, it's times like these, when the country is in a depression and politics as we know it is changing, that history is made. And there's never been a time in history as crazy as now.

So when faced with the choice of getting a degree and acceptable job, having a wife and two kids and making my family oh-so-happy, or crossing these lines, navigating the danger, leaving my mark on this rock and most importantly, being true to myself I could only say one thing...

Fuck it.

-Rage, March 9 2009 C.E.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Deep breathes. In, and out.

I dream of starting a revolution, but how can I do that if I can't even breath properly.

So deep breathes, no matter where I am or what's happening to me.

Just deep breathes. In, and out.

-Rage, March 2 2009 C.E.