Monday, November 3, 2008

Eve of the Empire/11-4-2008 (12 o'clock AM EST)

Today we'll make history.

One nation having influenced the whole world will decide who will lead us through these next four years, when many say the planet is running out of time. Pretty amazing this little rebel nation turned Empire has become.

I might be young, but even I can see that this is an event the world has never seen, because this is a country like the world has never seen. Where else has there even been a possibility that a person whose ancestors were slaves might come to lead it; or much more importantly, lead it at a time like this. His opponent will make history too, because no matter who wins they will be making decisions that will be far reaching across the globe.

It's a Brave New World where humankind has dreamed of since it's birth. One where we touched the stars and explored the ocean floors. It's the age where no place on Earth is left undiscovered, unmapped and diagrammed; where time and space are transcended and ideas and information are sent half way around the world to a mailbox that doesn't even really exist, just like these word you read.

And today the country that has been the most powerful in the new world, and many argue that it still is, will change forever whether we like it or not. Although I think I can say confidently that none of us are too happy about the way things are. The strain on the world is getting worse, we can see it every time we turn on the TV that sometimes seems more real than we are.

I can see this even though I'm young. Then again they say it is the youth that will decide the future for the first time; depending of which side we choose and of course, if we even choose at all. In the first nation to wipe two cities off the map from across the world, each with a single bomb, that's a lot of pressure. Even more with the talk of the country declining, and everyone knows, at least by now, that choosing wrong can be disastrous. This time we are totally divided.

So today will be history because the world is changing, and the country that changed it is changing itself. We're all holding our breaths, because we see a bit of what's coming and it definitely looks bleak. But today, we're a part of this future in the making.

So let's make it.