Monday, July 28, 2008

Personal Monologe: The X Time Around

A.K.A This is not the first time I came to the planet

out of time (manuvers remix) - CYNE

Man, for some reason i've been getting the feeling that i've been here before. I've read about reincarnation in religion for a long time, but I didn't really apply it to my life or beliefs. But lately i've been diving deeper into some of the ancient texts and watching the direction my life seems to be going in. I keep getting the feeling that i've done this before. Like, i've been getting closer and closer each time and that this time i'll achieve that thing that I feel compelling me.

I say I want to change the world. But there's such a huge distance between where I am now and what I see in my visions; a distance filled with smoke, winding upward pathways, cliffs and giant chasms that I could easily fall into.

I should definitely draw that. When I get around to it.


At the same time I feel like time is running out. Maybe it's the countless murders on the news or maybe it's way the powers that be seem intent on gaining more power; maybe it's even because what's been written in the prophecies seems to be coming true.

Whatever the reason, I feel pressure in my daily life to change things now. Like there's a window of opportunity presenting itself and I'm going to miss it if I don't hurry.
Exactly what opportunity and why? I have no idea.